#object-oriented-design #technical-debt #architecture #clean-code

Handling complex MVC applications - How to scale and avoid Controller chaos

This article uses Laravel for the code snippets, but the paradigm can be easily adapted to every other MVC framework out there. To make things more interesting, we will lay this article out by posting an imaginary conversation between 2 professionals: Stan, a seasoned developer, who has made many architectural mistakes (but thankfully seems to be learning from them), and Ollie, a novice developer, who just started delving into the world of serious programming and has some simple applications. ...

#career #clean-code #productivity

The 14 habits of highly effective developers (Part 1)

Introduction Many believe that transitioning from an effective Junior-level developer to a mid-level is just a matter of time and experience. Truth is that the line separating these 2 kinds of developers is very thin and subjective. This article is not going to add more to the endless debate on “What exactly defines a mid-level developer”. To be honest, I firmly believe that something that can shift one’s mindset and help in transitioning one from a Junior to a Mid-level or Senior developer is habits: ...

#git #productivity

Git commits: An Effective Style Guide

Introduction Git commits are one of the most underrated features of Git. Pause for a moment and think; When was the last time you had to revert your code to an earlier point in time? Did you have a hard time finding that commit that messed up your code? Was that because of unclear, mixed commit messages? When that commit was found, did you also realize that you included several file changes in that particular commit, resulting in a headache when trying to rebase back to that commit? ...